Thickeners and Binders
Sauces and soups often require a method to thicken the liquid. While reduction through evaporation is one way to get a thicker consistency it sometimes does not yield to the expected texture. In this case, thickeners can be used. In our modern gastronomy, we have a considerable arsenal of thickeners and binders we provide here a list of commonly used ingredients that are used as thickeners ...

Mushroom sauce
Mushroom sauce 5 baby bella mushrooms2 tbsp of chopped onion1 clove garlic1 tbsp corn starch½ c almond milk½ tsp ground ...

Vegan Mushroom “Cream” Sauce w/o oil
Vegan Mushroom Cream Sauce w/o oil this cream sauce it Tofu based. No oil was used and it is therefore ...

Nut-Butter Salad Dressing
Nut-butter Salad dressing Nut butter salad dressings are a good alternative instead of using oils and any dairy products. 1 ...

Creamy Cashew Sauce
Creamy Cashew Sauce 1 cup raw cashews1 clove garlic2 tbsp lemon juice (or lime)1 pinch salt1 pinch pepper Soak cashews ...