Flatbread Pizzas

Flatbread pizzas based dished typically found in Europe to the Middle East to name a few here:

Coca, Spain, Pizzas from Italy, Tarte Flambée, Pissaladiere, Galettes  from France, Lángos, Hungary, Adjaruli Khachapuri, Georgia Lahmajoun from Armenia/Turkey, Manoosheh from Lebanon,

France /Italy a vegan fusion of a White Pizza from Rome with an Alsatian-German type Tarte Flambee

My wife doesn’t like cooked onion and too much fat, and so if you remove the bacon and onion from the Tarte flambe, you would be left with a white pizza with Fromage balance and crème fresh. So for the vegan version, we will substitute the dairy with fresh homemade Tofu. Then we add spinach and mushrooms. Of course, you can top it with anything you like. We also had an Indian flour mix that I kept in the freezer, which is typically used for Roti. I decided to ferment it with whole wheat sourdough for a few hours to make the bread better digestible.    

Yesterday I made fresh Tofu from scratch. There are tons of videos out there that show you how to do it, and so I will keep the description of essential steps and tips.  I have followed several online recipes, but not all are good, and this is what you need to look for:

  1. The most crucial info.  The recipe must include a cooking process because Soybeans (also lentils and some other beans) have enzymes that make them difficult to digest. These are destroyed during the cooking process.
  2. Dehulling of the beans is not necessary but gives a better product. Also, the remaining Okara can be used in bread as it contains high protein and fiber. Still, I freeze this in portions because I believe too much is not suitable for your digestion. I read that making tempeh out it makes it more digestible, which seems logical knowing about the enzymatic breakdown of longer proteins and polysaccharides during the culturing process. All my attempts so far failed and ended in the trash can. Indeed, I will try again and will update the site.
  3. Dehulling process: Usually, I did it by hand, but it was a nasty wet process that took hours. Just recently, I tried to Kitchen aid with a flat beater, which was a game-changer. I soaked added the beans with some water and put it on the first and second set, and it worked well. Then use a colander. I chose to use an old Salad centrifuge and fill it with water. Then I use a tea sieve for fishing out the transparent skins that float on top. Dehulled soybeans split like peanuts in half. Stir and fish out more. I know it is tendinous. You can check the ratio of beans with the skin to those that are split. If necessary, repeat the process until you are satisfied.  
  4. For my first attempts in making soy milk, I used a large pot for cooking, a mixer (Vitamix) and cheesecloth for filtering. The cleanup was painful, in particular, when you are using a metal pot, where a sticky gue builds up on the bottom that likes to burn and forms a nasty crust. Besides burning can make the flavor bitter. So if you are doing it this way then use a big non-stick pot. A game change was the use of a soymilk maker. It is straightforward and convenient. Still, I use at the last step a Vitamix and crush the Okara more and use a fine-meshed cheesecloth-bag. Clean-up is much easier now.
  5. The tofu making is similar to making farmers cheese by adding a coagulant to warm milk. For Tofu, you heat the soy milk to 180F and add either acid or Nigari. The curds will be collected in cheesecloth and which is pressed in a Tofu press and cooled down. The result is a firm, moist, fresh tofu cake. We cut it in three equal pieces and sealed them in glass containers for the refrigerator and freezer.

Here is the recipe at fist for Soy milk, which is the necessary ingredient for making Tofu:

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Soymilk with SoyaJoy G4 Soymilk Maker
Cook Time
40 mins
Soaking of beans
12 hrs
Total Time
12 hrs 40 mins

Base recipe from 1/2 lbs dried soy beans

Course: Drinks/Snacks
Cuisine: Vegan
Servings: 6 glasses
Calories: 169 kcal
  • 1/2 LBS Soybeans dry
  • 1.5 L Water
  1. Soak beans in plenty of water overnight

Dehulling of Soybeans (optional)
  1. Put the soaked soybeans with some water in a large Kitchenaid mixer bowl. With flat beater stir for 10 -15 min on speed 1 and later 2.

    Add water and remove the floating skins. Stir Soak occasionally (read my Tips)

    Repeat process

Process milk and filter
  1. Add beans with 1.5 L of water (there is a mark in the container). Turn on the machine and press the soaked bean mode. Occasionally the machine makes sounds for the individual steps (grinding, heating, boiling, etc.) The end of the process is signaled with a long tone.

Nutrition Facts
Soymilk with SoyaJoy G4 Soymilk Maker
Amount Per Serving
Calories 169 Calories from Fat 72
% Daily Value*
Fat 8g12%
Saturated Fat 1g6%
Sodium 13mg1%
Potassium 679mg19%
Carbohydrates 11g4%
Fiber 4g17%
Sugar 3g3%
Protein 14g28%
Vitamin C 2mg2%
Calcium 112mg11%
Iron 6mg33%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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Prep Time
30 mins

How to make Tofu

Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Vegan
  • 3 L Soymilk 2 batches of G4 milk recipe above
  • 1 tsp Nigari
  1. Add the Soymilk in a tall container and heat and maintain 180F

  2. Stir from time to time

  3. Dissolve 1 tsp of Nigari (Magnesium chloride) in 100 ml of warm water

  4. Pour slowly 3/4 of the solution over the top and do not stir. The Nigari will slowly start to coagulate the hot soymilk.

    Initially you see "cloud formation" on the top layer. Do not stir! You want to let these curds to grow bigger. Be patient this will take a while.

    As soon you see more activity add the last 1/4 of the solution by distributing it equally.

    Thicker curds have formed and the solution has changed from white to a clear yellow liquid.

    You can pour the solution into the tofu press that is laid out with cheesecloth to catch the Tofu curds.

    When you are finished. Fold the cheesecloth over the top, then add the top plate and press slowly down. You can put a weight on top. Once most liquid is out. Put the entire press on a plate and let it cool down for several hours in a refrigerator. When you remove the cloth you have a nice big piece of wonderful Tofu.

Indian Flatbread flour for a sourdough pizza bread

2 cups of flour 1/3 cup of whole wheat starter and ½ cup water (add more if necessary)

We let it react for six hours and then added a little four 1 TBS of sourdough 1 tsp of malt, ¾ tsp salt a little water, and mixed and added to the dough. Kneed it again and then let it rest 4 hours more before roll flat on parchment paper. You can add anything you like. We added spinach, Tofu, and mushrooms and backed for 10-15 min at 520 F

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Exoctic Sourdough Pizza with Mixed Indian Flour
Prep Time
20 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Sourdough Resting time
10 hrs
Total Time
10 hrs 35 mins

More of an experimental type of Pizza that is all sourdough and uses a different wholewheat flour that contains other grains and ingredients.

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Baking, Vegan
Keyword: Experiment
Servings: 3
Calories: 535 kcal
Making the dough
  • 2 cups Atta-Multigrains flour
  • 1/3 cup Sourdough Starter Wholewheat (see our section how to make it)
  • 1/2 cup water (adjust if necessary)
Additions to dough
  • 1 Tbsp sourdough starter
  • 1 tsp malt
  • 3/4 tsp salt
Topping Pizza
  • 150 g spinach frozen
  • 5 large Mushrooms fresh
  • 120 g Tofu fresh
Making Dough
  1. Add  flour, whole wheat starter, ½ cup water (add more if necessary) in a mixer bowl.

  2. Mist at first for 6 min at low spead and then increase spead to the next level for 7 more minutes until dough gets together.

1. Resting time
  1. Cover the bowl with a lid and let it rest for 6 h at room temperature

Addition to dough
  1. Mix in a small bowl ingredient and a little water so you get a thick paste. Stir well and let it rest for 5 min then put it over the dough. Now use again the mixer and let it kneed for 5 minutes that you get an even mixture.

  2. TIP: If the dough hook is not moving the dough and only moves on top then add a little more flour Turn the machine off and lift the pressed down dough with a cooking tool. Turn on the machine again.

2. Resting time
  1. Cover the bowl and let rest for 4 hours

Preheat oven
  1. If you have a pizza stone put it inside and heat to 520F

Making of pizza
  1. Flatten the pizza with hand and roll it out. Look at note!!

  2. Add spinach

  3. Add cut fresh mushrooms

  4. Add cut pieces of tofu

  5. Put the pizza on a parchment paper and put it in the oven

  6. Bake for 10 to 15 min. After 4 min keep on checking regularly!

Recipe Notes

Please look at our bread making section to learn more about sourdough starters.

Also, note that this is an experimental bread and so the recipe needs adjustments. Sourdough breaks down the amount of gluten and more importantly polysaccharides that can cause inflammation in your bowl. According to the newest science it is not the gluten but the latter that results in a sensitivity.  The long processing times is making bread better digestible. I suffer on GERD and I feel much better since I started making my own sourdough bread. 

The flour that we used here broke down had not the elasticity that is required to stretch it by hand. The trick was to roll it out directly on a parchment paper. 


Nutrition Facts
Exoctic Sourdough Pizza with Mixed Indian Flour
Amount Per Serving
Calories 535 Calories from Fat 36
% Daily Value*
Fat 4g6%
Saturated Fat 1g6%
Cholesterol 2mg1%
Sodium 656mg29%
Potassium 454mg13%
Carbohydrates 99g33%
Fiber 15g63%
Sugar 8g9%
Protein 24g48%
Vitamin A 4689IU94%
Vitamin C 22mg27%
Calcium 142mg14%
Iron 7mg39%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Tip: The water amount in flours needs to be adjusted because milled grains contained different amounts of water, the coarse of the flours varieties, humidity changes the amount of adsorbed water. I freeze most of my flour for several weeks before I fill a container and let it warm up in the refrigerator before sealing it and put it in my pantry. Freezing of flours, in particular home-milled flours, reduces the chances of developing bugs. Disgusting! Yeah but more common as you might think if all ingredients are natural and not treated by radiation, or with chemicals, etc.   I had this unfortunate experience several times with Rice and Grains that I bought from a larger farmers market.  If you want to sprout the grains then you need to buy them untreated, but if you just want to mill flour then keep either the grains or their flour for several weeks in a freezer. After that, you can keep smaller batches in the refrigerator or pantry. I never had any issues.  

We dressed up and prepared the table outside. What can I say, a little romantic music with a candlelight flicker and a warm smile of my soulmate make me happy!

The verdict of our Pizza: The first one was a little undercooked. The second one was better we baked it for 15 min (reduced a little the heat to 240 F after 10 min). It was pretty good but it needs a little improvement.

Recipe for regular Pizza dough

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Simple yeast pizza dough

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Baking
Servings: 4 pizzas
Calories: 528 kcal
  • 500 5 White flour 4 cups (unbleached)
  • 20 g semolina 2 Tbsp
  • 320 g water 1 1/4 cup
  • 7.5 g salt 1 1/2 tsp
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp active dry yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar optional
Making the dough
  1. Except for the oil add all ingredients in the bowl of your kitchen machine.

    Attach a kneading hook and knead on low speed for 3 min to get a homogenous dough, now add the oil and continue kneading 3 min and then switch to the next higher speed for an additional 5 min.

  1. Let it rest for 1 to 2 hours at room temperature or overnight in the refrigerator

Prepare Pizza
  1. ==Preheat oven to 500F (260 C). Ideally have a pizzas tone in the oven.

    Flour hands lightly. Shape dough into a ball and dived in quarters, which you roll to a ball.

    Cover the balls with a kitchen towel and let rest for 10 min.

    Take one ball and flatten with hand. If you are skilled then you can pull the dough carefully and evenly to a thin crust. Otherwise, use a rolling pin, dust surface with flour and roll out to a thin crust.

    Add anything you like. If you are using tomato sauce, then use it first before you add other cut vegetables and meats.

  1. Put pizza on parchment paper and slide it on a Pizza Peel (this method works always and never sticks!)

    TIP: If the dough is too sticky, then roll the roll directly on a lightly floured parchment paper

    Bake for 8 to 12 min. Check after 4 min.

    You want to make sure that the bread is cooked and the pizza is not soggy.

Nutrition Facts
Amount Per Serving (1 g)
Calories 528 Calories from Fat 63
% Daily Value*
Fat 7g11%
Saturated Fat 1g6%
Sodium 734mg32%
Potassium 157mg4%
Carbohydrates 101g34%
Fiber 4g17%
Sugar 1g1%
Protein 14g28%
Calcium 19mg2%
Iron 6mg33%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

1 Comment

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