Tempeh, mold fermented beans

Tempeh is a traditional fermentation product from Indonesia, produced by the inoculation of cooked soybeans with different Rhizopus species, i.e., with the help of low mold fungi from the yoke fungi and the zygomycete genus. For this use Rhizopus stolonifer ( bread mold ), Rh. Oryzae, Rh. Oligosporus or Rh. Arrhizus . Especially the use of Rh. Oligosporus is common.

Tempeh is nutritionally very valuable because the fungus breaks up the proteins of the bean and reduces oligosaccharides which cause flatulence. It is characterized by a high content of protein and fiber, which are very important for the human diet. In the context of a vegetarian or lactose-free diet, Tempeh is especially recommended. Tempeh is a naturally pure vegetable, has no lactose and is also an excellent source of nutrients. The high quality, readily available protein, minerals, trace elements and vitamins in tempeh contribute to a balanced nutritional supply. Tempeh is also recommended as part of a diet change.

Tempeh has high-quality protein and provides optimal protein supply. Soya protein exceeds the value of beef by international standards – and the tempeh fermentation makes it even more available. Tempeh contains all 8 essential amino acids and is rich in lysine, which is slightly sparse in cereals. A combination of cereals greatly enhances the overall protein quality of the meal. Tempeh has a high content of natural antioxidants and isoflavones. Numerous studies seem to confirm the positive effects of isoflavones on cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. Tempeh also provides antioxidants for protection against free radicals, B-group vitamins, calcium, iron and much more.

Homemade Tempeh can be made not only from soybeans but from different beans such as chickpeas. It can be eaten fresh but note that raw Tempeh is perishable due to the high water content but can be frozen well. It is usually marinated in a spicy sauce or salt water and baked or fried in hot oil. Tempeh has a pleasantly mild, nutty and mushroom-like taste, which harmonizes with virtually any seasoning; The structure provides a firm but tender bite and allows the prepared product to absorb spices well.


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