Natto Fermented Beans

In addition to vitamins, minerals, and probiotic lactic acid bacteria, fermented foods can also give our body with valuable enzymes, such as the Japanese food called Natto.

Natto consists of fermented soybeans, which are fermented not by lactic acid bacteria, but by Bacillus subtilis natto. These microorganisms have a very healthy effect: they form a specific enzyme called nattokinase, which can break down deposits in our blood vessels. The great thing about Nattokinase is that it does not appear to be inactivated during digestion, but is actively available to us right after it’s been consumed.

Bacillus subtilis natto, for example, thrives on rice straw, so the soybeans were originally wrapped in rice straw to start the fermentation process to produce natto. Today, soybeans are usually inoculated with cultured bacteria to speed up the process.

Since Natto has such a positive effect, but not everyone likes the strict taste of fermented soybeans, you can now buy Natto or the isolated Nattokinase as a dietary supplement.


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